Culture: A game-changer in the green transition

Nordic Innovation for Circular Economy

The world is full of inefficiencies, loss and waste. We need toget smart with the way we create, consume, and look beyond the current take-make-dispose extractive industrial model.

For decades, the Nordics have been the forerunners of sustainable, energy-efficient, and eco-friendly innovative solutions for the circular economy. In 2021, The Korean government announced an implementation plan for the so-called Korean circular economy ("K-Circular Economy") with various policies to reduce waste and strengthen resource circularity using digitalisation.

This Nordic Talks Korea will address the following questions: what role will communities, companies and governments play in the conversation about the circular economy partnership? How can digitalisation, new technologies and design help the transition of the circular economy?


Date of the event: September 22th 2022 from 15:30pm - 17:30pm KST / 08.30am - 10.30am CEST.

This Nordic Talk is formed as a plug-in event with the World knowledge forum