Compensating for climate damage

Compensating for climate damage

Hurricanes, floods, and drought. These extreme weather events are hitting the world’s poorer countries more and more often due to climate change - much of which is caused by richer countries. But in the future, developing countries will receive compensation for this damage. Work is under way to set up a worldwide fund to provide financial assistance. It’s called the “loss and damage” fund and was agreed upon at the latest UN climate conference, COP27. In this episode, we look at what it will take to implement this agreement. How can countries such as those in the Nordics ensure the money needed for the fund is raised? And what role will climate activists and civil society play in making it happen? 

This episode comes from a Nordic Talks event held in Copenhagen and arranged by Oxfam IBIS, the Danish member of Oxfam International.


“The loss and damage fund is crucial – it’s the rich countries acknowledging the physical and moral damage they have and will continue to cause poorer countries through climate change.” 

Sofia Pasotto, climate activist


This podcast episode features the following speakers

 Frederik Roland Sandby (Denmark)

Frederik Roland Sandby (Denmark)

Frederik Roland Sandby is the head of the secretariat of Klimabevægelsen i Danmark (Climate Movement Denmark), an organization campaigning on climate policy and providing support for grass-roots climate activists in Denmark. Frederik is a climate activist with a master’s degree in climate change from the University of Copenhagen. He is one of the co-founders of Den Grønne Ungdomsbevægelse (Green Youth Movement), a group of young climate campaigners, and has been organizing the Folkets Klimamarch (People’s Climate March) since 2018.

Happy Itros Sanga (Tanzania)

Happy Itros Sanga (Tanzania)

Happy Itros Sanga is a climate and gender activist and has played an active role in different youth movements since 2014. She also has a degree in psychology and has developed an app, "My Rafiki", to help her local community solve mental health challenges digitally. Happy works with ActionAid's Global Platform Tanzania - a platform supporting youth activism, and in December 2022 became an African Union CIEFFA Champion for Girls’ and Women’s Education in Climate Action.

Sofia Pasotto (Italy)

Sofia Pasotto (Italy)

Sofia Pasotto is a climate activist working with Fridays for Future, an international youth-led movement fighting for climate justice. She is a strike organizer, event manager, and content creator, and handles the movement's public relations with speakers and sponsors. Sofia has a master’s degree in climate change from the University of Copenhagen. Her mantra is that when you know the roots of a problem, then you have to be part of the solution.