inspire to act

Explore Happiness: Nordic Happiness

Since the World Happiness Report was published the first time, in 2012, two countries have been named the happiest country ten times combined: Finland and Denmark. Usually they are followed by other Nordic countries in the global happiness rankings. But why and how? 

Professor Shun Wang will share insights of more than 50 publications how something as subjective as happiness can be measured and how data is being pulled, read and ranked. He will go into the research details and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of happiness research. Moreover, Professor Shun Wang and Catarina Lachmund will explain which factors contribute to happiness. The topics of GDP per country, healthy life expectations, generosity, freedom to make life choices, social support, and trust in governance will be discussed. 

On the note of generosity and social support, Lachmund will discuss how Hygge and Sisu, which might have been survival strategies in the past – now might be the key to top the happiness report. Explore happiness with us, in this Nordic Talks event. 


Date of the event: 31.5.2023

Time:  19:00-21:00