Upcoming events

A Nordic Perspective on Sustainability in Business

Finnish Ambassador’s Residence, Singapore

Challenging the Future of Recycling

Both the Nordics and Singapore share a commitment towards advancing the principles of the...

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Past Events


Äripäeva Raadio, Estonia

Economy in green transition

This Nordic Talks event is part of the series on Nordic Sustainable Economy, which aims to...

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Riga, Latvia

Artist’s Mental Health: Can an artist be happy

Governments and independent organisations that monitor the mental health of citizens...

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Event 1

Seoul, Korea

Innovation for a Green Transition

As a country that has been referred to as the future “climate champion” of Asia, Korea is...

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Event 1

Lofoten, Norway

Finding innovation: codfish trade from the Hanse to the future

Stockfish has been traded since the middle ages and has become a widely accessible product...

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Go Nordic - Green lifestyle, green spaces and healthy neighbourhoods

A talk about how cities can adopt more green infrastructure solutions and use green spaces...

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Event 1


Go Nordic - Innovative collaboration models for sustainable urban development

A talk about how future regional authorities can improve the life quality of citizens and...

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5 element


Go Nordic - Feel wood

The construction industry is one of the most polluting in the world, but there is great...

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Lofoten, Norway

Respecting the sea: codfish and marine resource management

Atlantic Cod has been travelling between the Barents Sea and Lofoten since the beginning...

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